Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sickness Round 2

Well, I haven't been very productive for the past week.  We were all sick about 2 weeks ago, but it didn't last more than a day a two for everyone.  Scott's voice took awhile to come back but we were all feeling better rather quickly.

 Then a couple days ago, Dallin got sick again and a lot worse this time, which means no one is really sleeping at night, and now that he is on the mend Scott and I are sick.  Dallin's top molars finished coming through with the last sickness so I am hoping the bottom ones will be coming in soon.  We went from playing outside in the 70 degree weather last week... 

(He was checking out an airplane that was flying by)

...to this week where Dallin hasn't been up to doing much.  The nights are always worse than during the day, but this is Dallin taking it easy watching a movie.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

29 Weeks

Well, I guess its time for a belly picture with this pregnancy.  The first picture is me now pregnant with baby girl and the second picture is for you to compare when I was pregnant with Dallin at 29 weeks also.  I will let you draw your own conclusions as to the differences.   

Saturday, February 12, 2011

This Week

Well since it was another snow week here I decided to do some sewing projects.  I got a new sewing machine for Christmas and thought it was time to put away my fears and jump into sewing.  I ABSOLUTELY  love my new machine.  It's simple enough for me to use and perect for me to learn on. 

With a new baby on the way I thought it was a good idea to start with some simple bibs and burp cloths that I could use.  With the warmer weather coming next week I plan on getting some more material to make different ones.  Probably some pretty pink ones are on the way, but I thought the ducks were cute too.
I guess I was feeling crafty this week because I thought our apartment needed a little spice.  With Valentine's Day just around the corner I was inspired to make this cute paper heart garland that I had seen.  It was so easy to make and didn't take me very long, but it puts a smile on my face every time I glance at it. 

Sorry for the lack of pictures in the past couple posts.  I finally got my camera batteries found and charged.  HAHA!!  I know I was just being lazy.  Be prepared for some more posts (with pictures I promise) next week. 

Monday, February 7, 2011


This is Dallin's new favorite word.  Just recently he has started asking me why? when I tell him something.  He doesn't always use it in the right context or completely understand how to use it yet because he doesn't always wait for me to respond.  For the most part though he does understand and uses it to learn more about what is going on.  Sometimes it is very repetitive, but I try to use it to my advantage and take the time to teach him something or explain further the situation.  It's amazing how fast they learn and how it seems like he's just a little sponge taking it all in. 

Here is a funny conversation we had the other day.

Mom: Dallin please don't walk around with the bucket on your head.
Dallin: Why?
Mom: Because you are going to run into the wall or fireplace.
Dallin: Why?
Mom: Because you can't see where you are going.
Dallin: Oh!

We have had many conversations like this the past couple of days.  Sometimes I have noticed that he asks me why? to prolong doing something like taking a nap or cleaning up.  He thinks that if he keeps me talking that maybe he can get out of it.  So far I have been able to come up with answers that he seems to accept so it doesn't last long.  I can't wait to see what he is going to ask me today.