Thursday, December 23, 2010

Big Boy Potty

Dallin decided that he wanted to go poo in the toilet this morning when he woke up. He has tinkled in the toilet before bath time, but then he lost interest in it for a couple months. I would continually ask him if he wanted to go in the big potty and he would always refuse.

Scott was thinking of getting him a training potty for Christmas and I told Scott we would hold off until Dallin showed interest in it again. I'm not about to start potty training until Dallin is ready for it. I think that when it is his idea he will be more excited about it. So, I guess it might be time to start thinking about getting him a new potty.

1 comment:

Michaela said...

So did he get one for Christmas? My family was shocked that we hadn't potty trained Calin yet. HA! yeah right! I'm not going to deal with that mess and hassle before he's ready! I'm with you on that! But Dallin sounds like he's making good progress!! yay!