Monday, May 19, 2008

Fun Filled Saturday

Rexburg is finally beginning to warm up, so we decided to take advantage of the amazing weather. We invited some friends to a BBQ in the park on Saturday and had a blast!!! Scott did a great job managing the grill and the food was scrumptious. While we waited to eat we played frisbee, tossed around a football, and played our new favorite game ladder ball. We were there for a few hours and came home with a little sun on our faces and arms.

I had a mouth full of food...

Later that night we were invited to a bonfire by some friends, so Scott loaded up a trailer full of wood and we headed just outside of town a little while before it got dark. It was good just to relax for the evening and visit with more friends.

1 comment:

Stacey and Kyle Nielsen said...

How ironic... We just made that Latter Game you're talking about in Relief Society a little while ago. I had never heard of it. It's pretty fun though!! I'm so excited for your news!! Do you have a name picked out yet for him?