We had to wait a little longer for the warm weather since we moved back to Idaho, but it has finally arrived and we are enjoying it!! From swimming at the lake, shorter hair cuts, grilling kebabs, countless hours spent in our kiddy pool, dozens of popcicles consumed on our patio, ward BBQ's in the park, and we are looking forward to the upcoming Smith Family Reunion this week in Utah.
Daphnee loves to be outside and spend time in the stroller. Her medicine doesn't allow her to spend a lot of time in the sun but the shade is quite nice on those HOT days.
Here is a picture of Dallin's short hair spiked up in front that he likes us to do. I finally got the courage to cut it short with the clippers and surprised Scott when he came home.
And trying out the new floaties at the lake!!
Playing hard requires some rest. I went back into Dallin's room to open his window about 2 minutes after putting him to bed one night and this is what I saw. Pajamas and covers are just too hot some nights.
Scott just finished his 10 credits of summer semester classes that were crammed into 6 weeks, so we have many more fun activities planned for the summer to celebrate him getting good grades like camping and fishing (his request of course).